


What is #AddOil?

Only 15% of families in Thusalushaka, South Africa, get the basics of good nutrition in their diet. And in nearby Lesotho, climate change and other conditions have ravaged local food production and caused widespread malnutrition – part of the reason why 1 in 10 children die before the age of 5. Many of these people fall victim to diseases and lack the physical strength for even basic jobs – all because of malnutrition. That’s why we're fighting malnutrition with a powerful new weapon – coconut cooking oil.

Sparked by 
the crowd-funding #AddOil project by Joan Poon in 2016, Medella in partnership with World Vision has continued its efforts to combat malnutrition in Lesotho. This year (2018), we have shipped out 53 cartons of coconut oil as part of World Vision's nutrition program, particularly for children. 

Why coconut oil?

Apart from helping to fight various diseases (it’s even being tested as a cure for HIV, Alzheimer’s, and several cancers), coconut oil also increases the amount of essential nutrients and vitamins that we absorb from what we eat. And it boosts the immune system, which is vital in places where even minor diseases can kill or cripple due to a lack of available healthcare. In fact, more than 1500 studies have shown that coconut oil is one of the healthiest foods on Earth – with benefits and uses that go far beyond what most people know about.

Coconut oil is nature’s richest source of Medium Chain Triglycerides (MCTs) – also found in mothers’ milk – which dramatically reverse malabsorption of nutrients and cause rapid, well-documented improvements in overall health as a result.

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