
Coconut Vinegar 101

Coconut Vinegar 101

Coconut Vinegar 101

Medella Coconut Vinegar is considered a ‘functional superfood’. It is loaded with minerals and vitamins as it is usually grown in a nutrient-rich soil. Even more so than apple cider vinegar that has been widely touted as a miraculous elixir that can cure or prevent many health issues!

Medella Coconut Vinegar contains 17 amino acids (including all essential amino acids), vitamin B complex, vitamin C, potassium, calcium, magnesium and antioxidants which provides plenty of health benefits.

Interestingly, coconut vinegar is said to have a sweeter taste than apple cider vinegar, thus it may enhance the flavour in food when it is added. It is also less acidic, which may have a gentler effect on the gut. But that does not mean you should take a shot of it. By doing so, it may hurt your oesophagus and enamel of your teeth.

Stay tuned for the benefits of Medella Coconut Vinegar


Dixon, L 2020, All you need to know about Coconut Cider Vinegar, Three By One, <https://threebyone.eu/blogs/2020/10/7/all-you-need-to-know-about-coconut-cider-vinegar>.

Suazo, A 2019, Coconut Vinegar: Legit Superfood, or Health Hype? Here’s What You Need to Know, Bulletproof, <https://www.bulletproof.com/diet/superfoods/coconut-vinegar/>.

Yu, C 2016, Coconut Vinegar: The New Probiotic Superfood?, Daily Burn, < https://dailyburn.com/life/health/coconut-vinegar-probiotic-benefits/>.

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